Dean Pro-Mag Pickup SC1 Reviews 4

I purchased this pickup as I was playing for a worship group and the acoustic guitar needed to be amplified. I checked around and found people using and recommending this brand plus my music supplier for my store supplied this brand making it possible for me to get it for a little less. I acquired it two years ago and have been using it steadily since then. I paid about $60.00 for it, normal retail $75.00 Cdn. It is voice and balance for acoustic strings.

This unit installs easily on most guitars and does not interfere with most playing. It fits across the sound hole and can be adapted by trimming the rubber if the fit is too tight. Cord repair is possible with simple trimming of rubber and or wood on bottom side. Instructions are included on this and also on how to change the sound by the way you mount the pickup (direction, angle, distance, etc. The unit gives accurate sound and adequate volume, whether to a guitar amplifier or a black box. It is also handy, in that it can be easily moved from guitar to another guitar. I especially like the idea of trying to electrify my acoustic without physically altering the guitar. I have found it sufficient although a higher model is available with a sound level adjustment. I think I prefer the plain one as I usually am within easy distance to my amplifier for any needed adjustment (if any), and there is usually a sound person who control it on the soundboard. This is also a reliable unit, having given me no trouble.

The only thing I don't like is having to be careful in unwinding and winding the cord as it is quite stiff. However, it is also very small in diameter and therefore not heavy nor space consuming, so is probably worth the small time einvestment to uncoil it properly.

about an inch and a quarter by four inches(slightly wider than the sound hole) by aabout 3/8 inch thick. the input wire comes out the side near one end and is about 1/8 inch thick by about 15 ft into a standard phono plug.

I recommend the Dean Markley PRO Mag pickup for electrifying your acoustic guitar without any physical changes to your guitar

Bruce rated this unit 4 on 2001-12-02.

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